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Play in Learning- Does it Really Matter?

Writer's picture: SJ SJ

So, right now play in the early childhood education classroom is up for discussion in the education field, particularly the early childhood side of things. Is it good, bad, distracting? There are a lot of concerns/questions surrounding this divided topic. I figured I would go ahead and address the issue. Maybe even post a poll/survey monkey on the public's thoughts. I am intrigued by what parents and educators' thoughts are on this issue.

Please, click on the following links to see what the experts say about the importance of play based learning in the early childhood education classroom.

"Math and literacy can also be integrated into play experiences, especially in extended explorations and projects. Recording data and using math processes to describe and document observations is key to the inquiry process. For example, children can measure and compare their constructions. Opportunities to build language and literacy skills are woven throughout projects and have powerful connections to conceptual learning. Children can talk and share their ideas, write or dictate labels to describe or comment on project work, and read and learn about related content. "(From Play to Practice, Connecting Teachers' Play to Children's' Learning, by M.L. Nell & W.F. Drew, with D.E. Bush, 2013). Courtesy,



2018 Created by Mrs. Mobley, Indianapolis, Indiana. Providing inspiration to early childhood educators everywhere!

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